Feb 3, 2011

If I could go anywhere, anytime. . .

This is what I would do from June 27- Jul 1: http://ies.ed.gov/whatsnew/newsletters/?index=roundncser
Too bad it's in Wisconsin, and I'll be in NY.

The training would be about single-case experimental research:
"Single-case experimental research plays an important role in the development of evidence-based practice in special education, and is used by researchers in an array of disciplines. The technique is particularly important for special education researchers who study low-incidence disabilities for which group design is not feasible." aka, me.Alas, I will just have to learn about it on my own!

I've always wondered how I would do this as a teacher. If my student has Autism, the research is overflowing. If my student has cri-du-chat, there is still much research. But what if my student has multiple disabilties, the combination of which creates a whole new situation, the research is only generally applicable. I would be left to my own devices and intuition (which would be fun . . . but probably not as effective as using research-based-practices. So, you can see how this experimental design would be especially intriguing to me.

1 comment:

Victoria Blanchard said...

you wanna come to girl's camp instead? (same dates.) it doesn't hurt to ask, does it? :)

glad you'll be here over the summer! love your posts!