Mar 19, 2011

I can only get better!

HAPPY 169th BIRTHDAY, Relief Society!!!

Today, our local Relief Society celebrated the 169th year since its founding. It was actually March 17th, but we're close enough. The women of our ward got together and learned how to make fondant and decorate cakes - cupcakes, as it were.
Cake #1 - the frosting was more textured, but it melted a little because it was so soft!
Cake #2 - the middle was a pink flower; again, it melted. but you can kinda see it, right?
Here's a closer look at the weaving. 

It was super fun! And easy. Obviously mine aren't the best, there were some really beautiful cupcakes that other women did. Still, I'm pretty proud of what I did accomplish - I can only get better! Now I'm trying to decide if I should eat them, or save one for Doug...

I'm so glad to be a part of such a wonderful women's organization! I don't know of any other women's organization that is worldwide (170 countries) with more than 5 million members. 

As a side note, before Utah was made a state (1847-1852) women were voting in political elections. Utah women lost that right to vote when Utah became a state (ironic, right?). In 1870, women again received their suffrage and could hold office in 1880. And yet again the federal government took that right away with the Edmund's Tucker law in 1887. It wasn't until the 19th Amendment in 1920 that they could vote again (source).

Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that I love being a woman in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have greatly benefited from the Relief Society across generations. My mother and grandmothers and great-grandmothers were members of the Relief Society too. What a legacy of strong, talented, loving women.

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