Jun 5, 2011

Ballet 2 stay

There is something about New York, summer, beauty, classical music, that makes me want to dance. Maybe it's just life that makes me feel that way. Or maybe it's just me. Whatever the reason, I want to dance again. And I get to!

I got a job this summer (which justifies the cost) and my wonderful employer is flexible (which means I can get to class on time). And a wonderful husband who supports me in things I want to do. So I'm set.

Ballet is a favorite hobby of mine. For me, it is a way to stay in shape, feel beautiful, relax, and enjoy myself. I used to wonder (and I guess still wonder) if I would be able to do ballet throughout my life. My first AOL screen name was ballet2stay. I dreamed about one day having a studio in my basement. (Alongside those dreams were dreams of teaching math in underground backyard hideouts to the neighborhood kids... I've been a teacher at heart for a long while I guess.) But as you know, my degree is not in dance education, but special education. As you also know, once we have kids, I will be a full-time mom. Never again will my schedule revolve around my ballet classes. But hopefully, throughout my life, there will be pockets of time where I can dance. This summer is one of those pockets, and I'm going to fill it.



Fina said...

Charisse, have you ever thought about doing dance therapy with special needs populations?? ~Fina

Doug & Charisse said...

You better believe it! Not seriously, though. For example, if I ever taught a special ed PE class (because most times they don't hire an adaptive PE teacher so the SpEd teacher teahes it) I would throw in a dance unit. I've also heard of private dance programs made specificall for kids with special needs and it touched my heart. I would love to get involved with that. :)