May 30, 2012

Baby shower #2

Wow, time flies! We've been here 2 1/2 weeks but it seems like we got here yesterday. I am wholeheartedly enjoying my time here - I really couldn't say that enough. We are so blessed that Doug has work, and it's so close to where we're living, that my parent's are letting us live with them, I've found a good doctor and pediatrician, we live so close to Doug's family, I could go on and on. We are so spoiled these days.

Speaking of spoiled, Christy (my sister-in-law) threw me a fabulous baby shower Saturday before last. It was so well-planned, decorated, and fun!

We played Pictionary; and I have to give props to Meg for tastefully and successfully getting us to guess "circumcision."

I (baby and me, and Doug I guess) made out like a bandit with gifts.
These are basically the only pictures where I didn't look like a fool...

So thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who came (especially those who traveled!), and especially to Christy for making the whole thing happen :).

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