Apr 29, 2013


We do get out of Durham sometimes. Every once in a while. The most recent was yesterday - Chapel Hill. Haha, okay so going to church hardly counts. We went to Asheville! As always, we had a blast and I hardly took any pictures. So most (all) of these are courtesy of Ranita (she and Shiwen came with us!).

On Saturday we went to downtown Asheville (say it like Downton Abbey - it's a lot more fun!).

In that cool place with lots of art...
I forgot the name - anyone know it?

Some street performers

Lunch at a Mediterranean place. The food was delicious
 but this picture sums  up our experience there with Benjamin: hectic, frenzied...

We couldn't leave without Doug playing some chess!

A pistachio turtle. Oh that was delicious.

Fortunately Ben fell asleep after lunch for the remaining
 2-3 hours of our pedestrian-ing.

On Sunday we went to church and then to a park in Granny's neighborhood. Not to mention the delicious chocolate cake Granny made or the yummy Chinese food Aunt Heather made for us that night!

Doug and Shiwen are playing the Chinese version of Jacks.
Neither of them were very good at it haha.

Thank you, Ranita for taking such lovely pictures :).

And that was how we spent spring break.

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