Oct 14, 2011

Comfort Food

Okay, don't laugh. My all time nostalgic comfort food is a thick cream of chicken soup over rice. Except, it's not really a soup, I only add in a few TBSP of milk instead of a whole can.

Anyway, within the first six months of experimental-dinner-making on my husband, I tried this one out. I thought I was being sweet - a super easy, comfort food dinner. Perfect. I'm sure Doug was nice about it and ate a bowl, but most likely filled up on pizza and/or cereal afterwards! What I do remember is him saying, "you like this??" I had not even considered that other people wouldn't like my comfort food. It's not a particularly tasty dish, I guess my mom made it when I was sick or something.

What's your comfort food? Have you ever made it for other people hoping they would like it as much as you do and were consequently heartbroken? Okay, I wasn't heartbroken. Well, maybe a little...


Brian Nelson said...

Christina waited to tell me that she didn't like my enchiladas until we'd been married three months! If she had told me on our 2nd date, when I first made them for her.... it could've been a deal breaker!

Msherling0 said...

I love my grandma's chicken noodle soup! She only makes it after she roasts a chicken. For the next day the house smells wonderful! She simmers the bones and other bits and spices. I loved how when we were sick she'd take out the broth from the freezer and put whatever the sick grandkid requested. Mine was always egg noodles, corn and bits of shredded chicken.
Now when I make it for my boyfriend he says it's doesn't have enough in it

Victoria Blanchard said...

Ry and I have totally different taste in food. We've managed to come together a little bit more after 8 years of marriage, but there are some things that are just never going to change!

Unknown said...

I made Adam homemade biscuits and gravy. He was expecting spicy sausage in the gravy and was sorely disappointed to find ham. I haven't made it for him again, but my mom knows it's my favorite, so she makes it for us almost every time we come to visit. =)

Christina and Brian said...

My experience with this wasn't comfort food per se, but when Brian and I were first married we took a trip to Costco and I put in our cart a HUGE container of Hershey's chocolate syrup. Brian turned to me and was like I didn't know you liked that stuff. And I said that I don't. So he was like then why are we getting it?
I had thought that ALL men used that stuff. I guess it's only the VanDerwerken men.

Jarom said...

my comfort food is angel hair with butter and cheese. I love it, if I am ever in a bad mood or something, eating this makes me feel so happy (wierd, I know) The first time I made it, i didn't even make it for Jarom and I.. but he insisted on having some, and now we both love it! it's a real treat if I make some chicken with it :)

Anna said...

What?! I love Chicken and Rice! (that's what we always called it, even though we never put any chicken in it.) Just like you described, super thick soup over rice. Total staple growing up. We had it more often than spaghetti.

Doug is a weirdo. :)

Oh, and since moving to Utah, I've seen people put other things on it, like Chinese noodles, and pineapple and cheese, onion, olives, and tomatoes. Hawaiian Haystacks, that's what they call it.