Jan 27, 2012

First evers

Last Saturday, Doug took me to see Bill Cosby! Cosby performed at Durham Performing Arts Center and he was hilarious. Also, he went 40 minutes over his allotted time - awesome!!Thanks, Doug for a fabulous date :).

This week I also went out of my comfort zone and sewed this cute little creature all by myself. That's right. Silky fabric + black felt and yarn = sensory fun! I was a little afraid to sew silky fabrics since I'm such a novice, but it wasn't too hard!

I made lots of mistakes - such as sewing the details on last (I should have sewed them on before sewing the two zebra pieces together...). Actually the only things I did right the first time are, sewing the tail in and cutting out the pieces haha. Still, I am encouraged by my success!

My craft supplies have nearly doubled in size over the last few days. I don't quite know where to put everything.

What should I make next?


Rachel // Maybe Matilda said...

That zebra is adorable! Your little peanut will love it. One thing I wanted to make for Forrest is little soft baby shoes (this pattern: http://stardustshoes.blogspot.com/2006/10/cloth-shoe-pattern.html). I actually made probably a dozen pairs while I was pregnant (they are pretty quick and easy to make, and use just teensy bits of fabric) but I gave them all away at baby showers before he was born (I was the last in a line of I think 7 women to have babies in our ward that summer, so all my baby projects were given away very quickly). Maybe the peanut would like some little shoes!

Katie said...

What the heck?! You're like a crafting pro!