Aug 8, 2012


One of the great things about late summer is picking fruit. In this case, blueberries!  Ben really didn't do much in the way of picking or eating the blueberries, but we had fun anyway.

Ben is smiling and cooing so much more now! We love all of this new attention and I'm sure he does too.

So I have lots of time these days (go figure) and spend a lot of it reading. I just finished reading Bringing up Bebe  and I. loved. it. She is such an engaging writer and the book was over way too soon (how many parenting books can you say that about? hmm?). 

PS the family is back home from their vacation and Ben and I are so glad to have perpetual company once again :). Gotta love the grandparents.


Emily said...

ahhh what a cutie. i have yet to go berry picking here in new england, this has to change now!

Blevins Family said...

Haha! That smile is adorable! And looks a lot like his daddy's. I can't wait to meet the little cutie!